The Liberals Play a Good Game
The Liberals have, in the past, stooped pretty low in their quest for power. One need only look at the situation two weeks ago, when the leader who was no longer fit for the job according to the party knives was mooted as a possible Prime Minister.
But in the realm of self-serving hypocrisy they're outshone--or maybe the proper word is "outdarkened"--by the breathtaking hypocrisy of the Conservatives and their Supreme Leader, Mr. Harper, to whom the title "The Right Honourable" should no longer be applied.
For example, let's consider Mr. Harper and his passion for "democratic" acts. Well, actually, as you might imagine with an evangelical power-freak with a hard-on for getting his own way, it's really more about democratic-sounding words.
The Words (1):
Stephen Harper, supreme dictator of Canada earlier this week:
The Liberal party's appointment of Michael Ignatieff is undemocratic for not polling party membership.
The Acts (1)
So allowing members to freely express their opinions is a good idea, right Mr. Harper?
So why have you muzzled yours?
The Words (2)
Stephen Harper, minority PM: The coalition, representing 62% of Canadian voters, is undemocratic for trying to take the reins of government.
The Acts (2)
To answer the which, Mr. Harper democratically shut down all debate in Parliament by simply asking the Governor-General, representative of a (democratically-inclined, but still ...) monarch, to do so.
The Words (3)
Stephen Harper, pre-first-minority: If the Canadian Senate is not reformed into an elected chamber, then it must be abolished.
Harper promptly, and undemocratically appointed two people to the Senate upon first acquiring power. One was from Quebec, and the appointment was made so that Harper could put a Quebecker into cabinet without having to try and find one among his own MPs who'd actually been elected--because he hadn't any.
And finally:
Stephen Harper announced this week that he would be appointing 18 senators.
Eighteen. Hell, only Brian Mulroney has ever appointed more, to the best of my knowledge.
Mulroney was a money-grubbing, power-hungry crook. He was eventually caught accepting $300,000-plus in a brown paper envelope in return for certain favours to companies with whom his government contracted.
With what vessel is it possible to measure Harper's unmitigated gall?
Labels: Arguments, Corruption, Disgusting, Google, Justice?, Memory, money, monopoly, Names, News, panoptica, Picanthropii, Politics, Power, Psychology, Responsibility, Sickening, Stupidity
Salve, Magister Metrovissime
Methinks thou hast such a liking great for Monsieur Harper which is similar to a certain Eagle's admiration for Herr Braun, now that he has saved "the World"
In the interests of Commonwealth Solidarity, couldn't we organise a Job-Swap
.... and if you take Herr Braun for (say) 12 months, for no extra charge, we'd throw in "Blinker" (Ed Balls - unjustly called Balls by name, Balls by nature) and the Prince of Darkness himself, always assuming Her Grace's friend Cthulu could spare him
... indeed, yea verily, we would not require you to deprive yourselves of the Kindly Monsieur H
.... and surely you kindly Canuckistani folk could find space for that Wise Statesman Meneer Mugabe, who heeds to find another Challenge, now that he has saved Rhodesia from Cholera and the British Empire
You might enjoy being a Fly on the Wall of a Cabinet meeting
Aquila non Candida
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