Why the Republicans Keep Having to Lie
Because they'd lose if they told the truth.
Here's a piece from Salon which ably smacks down the truthy McCain/Palin campaign.
Read it.
Here's a piece from Slate which shows how much better Democratic governments are for the US economy.
Read it.
There's the video of McCain flipping his flop.
There's my entry below on Palin's sudden U-turn on the Troopergate investigation.
Their lying is pathetic, their ideas are bankrupt. Tell me again why anyone would vote for these people?
Labels: Angst, Corruption, Disgusting, Disturbing, Heroes, Justice?, Names, News, panoptica, Picanthropii, Politics, Power, Psychology, Responsibility, Sickening, Stupidity
I can't see the video, it just takes me to my YouTube page. But it is not necessary. I have seen an overabundance of the man flipping the flop lately.
I suppose I'm angrier at McCain than I expected. Because unlike every other candidate this year I used to have some respect for him. However, it seems he learned his lesson in 2000, and is employing the same apparent position reversals (on abortion, torture, and the Iraq Glorious Foreign Adventure particularly) that Bush used to repaint himself as a "compassionate conservative" (120-odd death warrants notwithstanding).
He's become so desperate to regain the chance he was denied that he's now willing to say or do anything to gain the presidency. His campaign lies continually about itself and its opponents, and the "maverick" so desperately wanted to pander to the base he was busy alienating that he selected a running mate based on fifteen minutes acquaintance and, presumably, a lot of advice from the lobbyists who grace his campaign.
It's sad to see a once-great man in ruins, but it's maddening too.
Sadly, the same can be said for both sides of this election. It's as if neither side could win by telling the truth. Our nation is so divided, jaded and distrusting of these politicians running our country into the ground that any hope of a true servant rising through the ranks of one of these parties is next to impossible. I can only hope and pray that God himself continues to have mercy on us and that young, hard-working Americans like myself can continue to teach our children, pay our bills and fight for all that is good in this nation.
Welcome, and thanks for coming by.
Actually, many outfits like FactCheck.org et al. have observed that the McCain campaign is shoving porky-pies all over the place, while the Obama campaign has been fairly restrained, mostly taking hits for overstating the casr that "John McCain" cut funding for education when what he did was stop education funding increases.
That's the problem--people believe the false balance the media are trying to present, when such balance doesn't exist. The Dems are simply better. Just as the Liberals here in Canada are, than their oppos. However, in the States the contrast is obvious, and most voters have noticed.
As to why they lie, well if Sarah Palin was being allowed to be interviewed by anyone except "respectful" (read: "Repub-friendly") media, we'd soon find out that among other things, she believes we're in the Apocalypitc End Times.
Would you want someone who believes God's personally going to send her to the White House, and believes that that God is going to destroy the world "within my lifetime" sitting on the launch codes?
...we'd soon find out that among other things, she believes we're in the Apocalypitc End Times.
Respectfully, how does anyone know for sure that we aren't towards the end? It's comforting to know she believes in God. As a Christian, I would want nothing less in a leader.
...Would you want someone who believes God's personally going to send her to the White House, and believes that that God is going to destroy the world "within my lifetime" sitting on the launch codes?
Perhaps. We both know it would take a great deal for Ms. Palin to be at the seat of our launch codes. If it came to that, I would find refuge in knowing that she would be in that position with the benefit of God's teachings and guidance by her side.
I can find many a fault with the McCain campaign. Anyone could - but the alternative would mean voting someone into office with very little substance or experience. Giving someone a chance is one thing...but not with the highest and most powerful position in the world.
The problem isn't with who will become the next leader my country. It starts and ends with Congress, on both sides of the aisle. None of them are capable of fulfilling their campaign promises by working with the other party to find real solutions to real problems facing real people in this country.
Most of them are preoccupied with keeping a small group of power brokers happy in order to stay in a job that offers very little to the common man and comes with a pay raise despite the absence of any real work each year.
Alternative energy, disease and the shrinking middle class - where are the solutions? Heck, I'd even take a suggestion that looked tangible at this point...
BTW, I enjoy your blog. You're a decent writer with even better thoughts and ideas.
"Respectfully, how does anyone know for sure that we aren't towards the end?"
--Well by definition we are "towards" the end. Every second we get closer to the moment when the sun will expand and swallow the world our race evolved on.
Palin just wants to speed things up a little, is all. In order to bring Christ back more quickly. In other words she wants to joggle God's elbow.
"Would you want someone who believes God's personally going to send her to the White House, and believes that that God is going to destroy the world "within my lifetime" sitting on the launch codes?
"We both know it would take a great deal for Ms. Palin to be at the seat of our launch codes."
--Based soley on the actuarial tables for a healthy man of McCain's age (and "healthy" is a questionable description), she has at least a 27% chance.
"I would find refuge in knowing that she would be in that position with the benefit of God's teachings and guidance by her side."
--Why? Because it's worked so well for George W. Bush? She's even more Christianist than he is.
"I can find many a fault with the McCain campaign. Anyone could - but the alternative would mean voting someone into office with very little substance or experience."
--You want to argue that Obama's inexperienced but Palin's qualified? Don't be ridiculous.
If you're really worried about experience, vote Obama/Biden.
McCain's experience on the economy is all negative, from the Keating Five (do you remember the S&L scandals?) to his lousy taste in economic advisers to his lately-U-turned phrase "the fundamentals are strong".
--If you want good economic management, vote Democrat. Read the Slate piece.
"Most of them are preoccupied with keeping a small group of power brokers happy in order to stay in a job that offers very little to the common man and comes with a pay raise despite the absence of any real work each year."
First off--you're insulting a stack of genuinely hard-working Senators and Congresspeople (mostly Democrats, I believe).
Second--you're running down a system that's the envy of many parts of the world.
Thirdly--you can help change that, but you can't vote for Palin/McCain and expect that sort of change.
The McCain campaign is staffed with lobbyists--177 according to some counts, but a minimum of 83, some of whom are personally responsible for the current mess.
--So if you want someone less beholden to corporate interests, vote Obama/Biden.
"It's comforting to know she believes in God. As a Christian, I would want nothing less in a leader."
You feel that Palin lives and behaves as a good Christian should? You feel that her worldview, influenced by end-times theology and the Christian Manifest Destiny movement shouldn't be a source of concern?
Obama is deeply Christian too. Good churchgoer, as the concern-trolling over his pastor clearly shows.
So if you want a religious figure who takes the commandment of Jesus seriously, then vote Obama/Biden.
There--now you can vote with a clear conscience. But you can't vote McCain/Palin with a clear conscience.
They represent everything you say you don't want in office.
Your one sided view of politicians is really rather sad. Sure, Republicans lie. So do Democrats. As one very simple example, Hilary Clinton's representation of her "sniper fire" landing. She plainly admitted in the Stephanopoulos moderated debate that she lied about that and asked that it be overlooked.
The politician is one of the vilest species of human, and it really doesn't matter what party it belongs to. If it makes you feel better though, keep your head in the sand and just point fingers at the other side rather than recognizing the failings of your own as well.
You DID read those articles, didn't you? If not, I suggest you do so.
If former candidate Mrs. Clinton's stupid "sniper fire" line bugs you, presumably current candidate Mr. McCain's "perfectly safe to walk through Bagdhad" story makes you nauseous as well.
It's interesting to note: Both were desperate, both resorted to telling bigger lies than politicians usually do.
My view looks one-sided because unlike the media, I don't need to make this look like some sort of contest between equals to sell more papers and advertising.
All I'm telling here is the truth.
Oh, and your one-sided view of politicians does great disservice to those who actually labour in the service of their country.
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