Thought for the Day #22:
I was listening to the program over at Quirks and Quarks today, and I heard physiscist Michio Kaku, author of "Physics of the Impossible" say:
"Negative energy, we thought, did not exist. But we were wrong. Many times we physicists are wrong."One reason I tend to favour atheism is because you will never hear any preacher say of his or her own religion: "We were wrong."
Even the churches of my forefathers (some of them) and foremothers (a majority), having twisted themselves into theological knots to avoid becoming dated and redundant (with at best mixed results) have no way of saying "we were wrong." At best they always seem to feel that they were, perhaps, differently right.
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I went through 8 years of Catholic grade school in the 60's and early 70's taught by nuns.
I had questions they couldn't answer. It pissed them off. They never admitted they were wrong. Not even a little wiggle room.
One question was:
We were learning about Adam and Eve and that they had to sons, Cain and Abel. The story continued that Cain and Abel had children as well.
My question was, who were their wives? If Adam and Eve only had two boys, who did they have children with?
Of course the answer was Eve, but then the entire religion would be based on incest and you can't have that.
I was dragged down to the office and awaited the call to my parents.
Hi lotgk, and thanks for dropping in.
My Catholic upbringing taught me that the Bible was allegorical, and that in fact the Bible could be compatible with, for example, evolution.
Adam and Eve weren't any particular two people. They were just exemplars for the whole human race.
Since "six days" wasn't six days, God could conceivably have put evolution in motion, and at some point out came the human race, represented by Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel.
The people who should really be breaking their teeth on your question are the literal interpretationalists, such as Baptists. Mike Huckabee is convinced the world is only six thousand years old.
I have shoes that old.....
Metro it sounds like your Catholic upbringing was of the Franciscan persuasion because that in fact makes sense.
I was not raised with religion and now waffle between atheism and agnosticism. My problem sounds like it may be similar to yours - I don't have a real issue with the concept of God (if guys like Newton, Einstein, and Hawking didn't/don't I figure that's not entirely unreasonable). It's organized religion that I can't get on board with.
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