Not for the Squeamish--Topless Pics of ... Ugh, I can't Say It.
I can't even think it.
In the wake of Rupert "Who Cares If It's True? It's FOX!" Murdoch's acquisition of the once-proud Wall Street Journal, a group of parodists has put out My Wall Street Journal.
The inaugural edition features the picture found on this page. Which I warn you will make you want to harm yourself, possibly in a graphic fashion--I'm talking Oedipus Rex meets Lorena Bobbitt here.
If I hadn't been wearing an approved Jesus' General brand Conservative Pro-life Tubesock I might have been badly injured before my computer shut down--seemingly in self-defence.
If you have a blind friend to duct tape your arms to the chair, go have a look. But just a glance. Otherwise ectoplasm will be expelled from your body with dangerous force.
Oh--the "expelled" link thing is just a gratuitous link to kick Ben Stein and the producers in the metaphorical nuts for promoting the Creationist fantasy film "Expelled--No Intelligence Allowed" as some sort of documentary. More explanation here.
I mean, what does it say about Expelled" when even FOX hates it?
Which neatly brings us back to Rupert "Howling Mad" Murdoch. And there, O Avid Fan, I think it's best to leave it. Don't you?
Labels: Corruption, Creative Aquisitions Dept., Disgusting, Disturbing, Funny, Heroes, literary masturbation, monopoly, News, panoptica, Politics, Power, Rednecks, Sex, Sickening, the art of the blog
That is wholly repugnant. Shame on you for soiling your own excellent blog with a link to a nude photo of Ann Colter (sic).
I am disgusted and right now considering disowning you as a friend. An apology, dear sir, is demanded!
Yours with disdain,
Unlike Rupert, mate, I don't make up the news. I just report it and offer my shiny-clean, unbiased, and well-reasoned opinion.
As for Crazy Annie, you have to admit I did warn you.
And she's NOT nude--This is not a tentacle porn blog!
Disclaimers are for the dead. I still insist an apology, thou scurvy dog.
No ... I think you've got that backwards. Disclaimers are for those who are still alive to read.
Apologies, based on the criteria for politicians apologizing and the observable time-lapse, are for the dead.
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