Wild, Wild Life
Okay, I know I expressed considerable annoyance at the display of gratuitous violence on a YouTube video. I still feel like that.
But over at Darren Barefoot's place, I found this. It is rather violent. It may make you sad. But it's also a lesson in the triumph of democracy.
Go ahead, watch it all. It's eight minutes and you might just feel pretty good after watching it.
This is not especially violent, apart from the car crashes, but I've always enjoyed being vaguely disturbed by David Byrne.
Peace out, all you Friday people.
That was an amazing video - quite surprising that they went back for the calf.
Sometimes nature has more wonders than we removed-from-nature humans would ever expect. That one is a keeper!
I have to say, I understand that the protection of the young is instinctual. But it takes on greater depth than instinct when the herd visibly overcomes one of its greatest fears to try and drive half-a-dozen lions off the carcass.
Bonjour M Metro
Sehr interessant !!!
Mehr, bitte
Eagles confine themselves to smaller, bite-sized prey, being especially fond of the Fruit, which comes in plastic wRappers from Bacon-Trees
..... altho' Magister AerChie is enticing me to adopt a more Vegetarian Cake-diet
Yr obedt servt etc
G Eagle
M. Eagle:
Please be careful ... what appears to be a bacon tree may turn out to be a hambush.
I'm trying the Aerchie-opti-metrix diet myself. It's also known as the Pizza Plan.
You don't lose any weight, but you have great fun hearing your wheat-germ-smoothie-guzzling colleagues' tummies rumbling enviously in the staff canteen as you chow down on double pepperoni.
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