Okay, Quick Li'l Question
Can you think of a reason it might be illegal for someone to post the following series of numbers?
0C 88 65 36 5C 65 14 8D B5 3E 47 D9 20 11 9F 90
Okay. Now what if that sequence was backward? Whereupon it might co-incidentally look suspiciously like the "secret" key to HD-DVD, fabled in song and story?
And blog.
No reason I ask.
Swarm, mofos, swarm.
That is clearly the trigger code for the CIA satellite thats been sending messages directly to my brain forcing me to buy argyll socks every third Wednesday.
Interesting--as I typed this code, which should theoretically be harmless when entered in reverse, I felt an odd urge to purchase an argyle hat. But it's not yet Wednesday.
More interesting: All these years and it turns out you had an excuse for wearing those things ...
I wondered just what that blog was about and why it disappeared so quickly. I have been getting absurd urges to write stuff.
I wish I could find anothe word to write. stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff
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