
But I digress ...

20 April 2007

I'm Having Trouble

Trying to write a couple of concise, straightforward posts. Topics include:

Harper--Mr. "I want an elected Senate"--appoints a senator.

Harper--Mr. "I want an end to corruption, strong federalist political landscape, and an elected Senate"--appointed an unelected Quebec seperatist as Minister of Public Works, and has just told him to "probe liberal government contracting." Despite the Auditor General's finding that the contracts were in order.

Harper--Mr. "I want a probe into liberal contracts"--seems to be Halliburtoning the contracting of services in Afghanistan through a secretive single-sourcing agency called ACAN.

No success. Possibly not enough material? So for today, to get away from the whole gun-control business, of the which I am truly sick to death arguing, comes this:

If this doesn't do it for you, go see Yann Martel's helpful site, What Stephen Harper is Reading. It's sort of like a personal Oprah book club for Steve Harper. Because, like Dubya (who put Camus on his summertime reading list in order to stop being the idiot who watched Joe Millionaire all the time) and Mike Harris, who admitted that his favourite book was, appropriately, Mr. Silly, Harper hates reading. I suspect this is because it tends to expose him to ideas he doesn't already hold.


At 11:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Silly boy! Harper can't read!

At 12:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bonjour Monsieur Metro

Qui est Mike SirraH ?

Le vetre servant obedient etc


At 7:54 am, Blogger Metro said...

Mike Harris was, until the election of Ralph Klein in Alberta, the most right-wing premier ever elected. He ran Ontario for about a millenium through the '90s.

Among his greater acheivements, much underappreciated by my home province, was his promise to make $3000 payments to persistent welfare claimants who moved to British Columbia.


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