
But I digress ...

05 October 2006

Customer Servicing

Netflix, like every other business, has discovered that if you make claims like "24-hr-support" you can then clarify:
"Well, we have a website, right? And the internet's on 24 hours a day, right?"

But in fact, they're using the web to insulate themselves from the customer.

A few days ago I received a note from Netflix regarding some movies I don't have.

Naturally I verified the information as being from Netflix, not some spam-sender, and I wrote a short reply saying, in essence, "you've got the wrong guy, buddy".

Today I received a reply stating that in fact there was nobody reading the e-mail I had sent, but that I could contact "Netflix customer service" (a contradiction in terms) through netflixcustomerservice.handylink dot com.

The first page asked me to sign in. Seeing as I have no account this presented a problem. I am not about to start an account in order to send a message saying "include me out!"

After surfing the site for a half-hour my patience snapped, and I entered some rude words into the login form.

Which got me in.

And now, unfortunately, I have no idea what I should do.

If I go ahead, customer service will just figure I'm some @$$#0!3 and likely ignore or delete the message.

But then I'll keep getting reminders that "The Office Season II" is overdue.

Since there are no phone numbers and no way to contact them except this form, I am forced to address them in my alter ego:

Name: £µ©λyou You£µ©λin£µ©λ

E-mail: £µ©λyou@£µ©λ

I am vaguely ashamed. But if they insist on separating themselves from their customers, whose fault is that?

I sent a short message apologising for the obscene address, but explaining the situation.

Odds on whether I'll get a reply?


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