Whoa, whoa!
Okay, I enjoy my jokes. However, it seems I took this one too far:Public announcement: Despite any statements or implications I have made to the contrary, Raincoaster (there's another link!) did not steal her cauldron image from this blog.
I apologize for any misunderstanding.
raincoaster ยป 49 degrees latitude, 360 degrees attitude!
Search this blog Rank: 63,511 (157 links from 44 blogs)
URL: http://raincoaster.wordpress.com
Updated: 7 minutes ago
Thanks. It hasn't even counted the last three yet! Goes a long way to dissolving the resentment I feel when you put a link to your OWN blog in mine without altering the HTML so it opens in a new window.
Anything--just stop making that mosquito-like noise in my ear.
60,112 today.
And 60,000 were looking for "Mango Porn", "Paris Hilton Naked", or "giant squid rainbow tortellini gasp orgy fantastic seven". Not to mention TWAT.
Rank: 55,154 (168 links from 46 blogs)
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