
But I digress ...

27 June 2005

Same Day, Only Later

New ruling from the US Supreme Court states that firms may be held liable for the criminal actions of their customers.

Of course, when it was the hugely powerful gun lobby in the dock, their opinion appears to have been somewhat different. . .

Clearly, the primarily Republican-appointed judges know which $ide their bread'$ buttered on.

According to the logic then, I could walk into the offices of the RIAA and start shooting, and no-one could blame the gun manufacturer. But if I bludgeoned to death a gun company exec with a disc sent to me by a software firm the software company could be liable?

Gimme a ₤µ€λin' break!

I've said it before: This isn't about artists being deprived of their earnings--it's about a loss of power and face on the part of the music companies. If it were only about the money, the hefty chunk of money we pay when we buy blank media (including flash drives and digital recorders) would have far and away covered the losses by now.

To the RIAA & cousins: Would you go talk to Mr. Harper? He needs cheering up, and you may be the only entity in Canada less popular than he is.


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