Just had to get this out there.
Rush Limbaugh getting support from the ACLU. How sweet!
This is the "nutball" organization that R.L. has been abusing from his pulpit for years. That he runs to them when his own chestnuts are in the fire is the purest of irony. I think the group should take this opportunity to have him write five hundred times "Rush Limbaugh says 'Thanks' to the ACLU".
By the way, if anyone wonders why I'm getting news from a comic, I'd like to point out that Doonesbury has won a Pullitzer--something Limbaugh hasn't been able to do, for all his "revelations".
And as the strip itself points out, they get their facts right 97% of the time--about eight times more than Rush.
Unfortunately, it looks as though Limbaugh will be allowed to continue to contaminate the radio waves. Turns out that his outlook actually didn't have anything to do with drugs--he really is just an @$$#Ω₤€!
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