
But I digress ...

31 December 2006

And ...

As the last moments of 2006 trickle off over the event horizon, I can only, for some reason perhaps having to do less with the bottle of Aussie plonk I had with dinner that the two I had in the following hours, think of Woody Allen:
"I wish I had a positive message to leave you with. But I don't. So would you please take two negative messages?"

All the best to you and yours. In fact, hey you! What are you doing reading this blog? Go join yours! May you get whatever it is that you most desire out of the onrushing 2007.

For myself? Well ... given that 2006 contained:
A career change.
A home move.
The purchase of my first house.
And my marriage to Mme Metro, for whom I am humbly greatful.

And so many other smaller though no less important moments, I suppose what I'd really like 2007 to be is somewhat less eventful and momentous.

Peace and prosperity attend you.



At 10:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, no mini-Metros? Awwwww!

Happy New Year!

At 7:02 am, Blogger Metro said...

Well all that means is that we have to practice for at least three months.

At 2:23 pm, Blogger Philipa said...

Nope I'd like mine to be as equally as momentous! My neighbours are from hell and I keep trying to pursuade my friend to marry me and he won't :-( He insists he wants to marry for the right reasons and I say what's better than helping a friend?? But apparently his girlfriend won't like it and I can live with that, after all, she's a friend of mine too.

So, it's down to asylum seekers then. Where's Gerard Depardeiu when you want him?!!

Happy practicing Metro and congrats on a fab year. Wishing you forever happy.

At 8:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The peace and prosperity I'll take, though I'd like my own 2007 to be free of momentus moments.

At 4:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well well you find out some stuff in here don`t you

I `m afraid your top post was a bit local for me Metro. You do write very nicely though.

At 5:25 pm, Blogger Metro said...

Why thank you, Newmania. And I'd like to say welcome, and that you argue well in print when you take the trouble to.

Feel free to look around and criticize anything you disagree with. :-]


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